After adding the value above we restarted the server. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section. That file is the "victem" of the problem, not the cause of the problem. For instance, you can just add a description to an Access rule. These types problems can be really tough to figure with newsgroup messages. I looked all over the internet and the Knowlegde base of ISA server, but found no solution We are forced to use another server for now w3filter.dll

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While working on similar issues in the past, I have seen that it normally happens during the initialization of the TMG control service.

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In the article, he talks about the issuewhat causes it and how you can fix it:. I've opened up a support case with MS but they are scratching there heads. Not saying that someone here might not have an idea, Therefore, if the TMG server has a secure channel with a Windows DC, the negotiation will fail because of the encryption method mis-match.

To install Rollup 2 please refer to the following link: I would really appreciate it if someone can post a workaround or the fix. First we suspected the webprotect filter running on ISA and disabled the filter but eventually this was the hotfix that solved the problem.

After analyzing the data further, we found that this error only occurred when the TMG server had a secure channel setup with a Windows Domain Controller. Then find Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server in the list of installed programs and uninstall this application.


Whe have disabled the Webprotect Filter temp. Click to select the Network security: That file is the "victem" of the problem, not the cause of the problem. Check your system for w3filter. What you choose is actually not really important as it is going to be overwritten by TMG later on. Most w3filter issues are caused by the application executing the process.

To fix the issuewe had two options: Post by paul i installed the HTTP fix last week, did not help.

Forefront TMG Firewall service might crash when WP_TRAFFIC tracing is enabled in Forefront TMG 2010

The error generated was: Newer Entries Older Entries. After that everything runs fine again. Note…Thanks to Escalation Engineer Eric Detoc for discovering the details related to this Event and the associated registry value. I set the firewall service to automatic restart but that's just a workaround i would rather have a fix These types problems can be really tough to figure with newsgroup messages.

To resolve this error, remove recently installed application filters and restart the service. Application using this process: Have you ever had an issue where frequently during certain periods of the day, you start seeing the event below being logged and wondered why? Does anyone have other clues?


ISA Server was unable to write content to the cache file. I'm still monitoring, but I suspect that one or more of our WEB sites were under attack.


This file contains machine code. How to get the new network adapter to show up?

My Account Log out. Or any other software at all. This makes me suspect that an old bug sill hasn't been fixed when isa hadn't rtm'd yet. Resolution To resolve this issue, install the hotfix package that is described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
